frequently asked questions about sober living houses

Find Answers To Some Questions You May Have

If you can’t find the question and answer you are looking for, please visit our CONTACT PAGE.

Where can I find an application?

Please call us or message us for the most current version of our application.

Do I have to be joining you directly out of inpatient treatment?

No. All we require is a clean drug and alcohol screening upon admission.

What is your policy on visitors?

Visitors are welcomed with prior staff approval, though overnight stays are not allowed.

Can I bring my car?

Yes. You will be required to provide proof of proper vehicle insurance and registration. You will also need a valid drivers license.

What should I bring?

Bring your clothing, phone/tablet/computer, medications, and any personal care items that you will need. You will also need to provide your own food. Your bedding, towels, and pillows will be provided by Zen Mountain Sober Living, however, you are welcome to bring your own. Its a good idea to bring a headlamp, sleeping mask, shower caddy, and laundry bag/hamper.

For more details, please see: Things To Bring Details

Are animals allowed?

Please do not bring your pets, emotional support animals, therapy animals, or service animals with you. Someone can bring them to visit you - only if they are housebroken. They cannot stay overnight with you.

Will there be personal care and toiletry items there for me to use?

No. Please bring your own personal care items like shampoo, toothbrush, toothpaste, feminine products, etc.​

Three women in casual clothing dance joyfully under a well-lit bridge or walkway in the evening.

Can I see the house before I move in?

Of course! Please make an appointment with us to come tour your new home.

Which medications are/are not allowed?

We use scientific resources to help us decide if a medication is okay for someone in addiction recovery to take with minimal risk to their sobriety. Medications which are addictive in nature or habit forming are generally discouraged. We do not allow controlled substances. Some medications can be considered on a case-by-case basis.

For the general guidelines we use, please see: Medication Guidelines

What is expected of me on a day to day basis as part of the house community?

You will be expected to be working, seeking employment, or volunteering. You will need to participate as a member of the home with respect to taking care of the house itself and treating yourself and others with respect.

Am I free to come and go?

Yes and No. You will have a strict curfew and you will be required to have prior staff approval if you wish to leave overnight. Otherwise, for the most part, you are free to do what you want during the day.

What if I'm on disability and can't work? Alternatively, am I required to work?

Every woman that comes into our home is different and we realize not everyone will have the same abilities. Our goal is to help you structure your independent sober life in a way that fits you. Everyone deserves the same right to a sober living environment, and we can adjust your program to fit you and your needs. If you are on disability, there are other things you can do with your time to contribute to society in a healthy and productive way. If you are able to, we do require that you either be working, volunteering, or attending school at least 30 hours a week.

Three women lying on sand, smiling and facing the camera with their heads close together.

What happens if I can't afford to pay on time?

Paying rent on time is a requirement just like any other dwelling you would rent in the future. If you are late, you may be assessed a late fee for each day you're late. If you go more than a few days past your due date, you may be asked to leave.

How long can I live at Zen Mountain Sober Living?

You may stay with us as long as you feel you need to. We ask that you stay a minimum of 30 days.

What happens if I slip up and use?

We have a zero tolerance policy concerning alcohol/drug use or possession, weapons, violence, and sexual contact. If we find you to be engaging in any of these behaviors, you will be asked to leave. Following a relapse, you may be able to return to the house after detoxing. If you are asked to leave temporarily and return to the house, you are expected to pay a readmission fee to reenter the house.

Do you require a background check before I move in? What things would preclude my admittance?

We do a thorough background check on all of our prospective clients to ensure the safety of everyone living in the house. If you have any violent felonies, sexual crimes, or arson on your record, we are prohibited by federal law from accepting you.

Do I have to go to treatment or detox before being accepted?

Everyone's story is different and we understand not everyone goes to detox or treatment to get clean and sober. We prefer you to have at least 30 days since last drink or drug, but if you have less time than that, we will consider your unique situation as long as you can pass a drug and alcohol test on and/or before your move in date.

Can I stay away from the house overnight? What about holidays or vacations?

After you have been with us for more than 30 days, you will be able to leave on an overnight pass for up to two nights a week. Vacations will be considered on a case-by-case basis depending on where you are going, with who, for how long, and if you will be in any situation that may compromise your sobriety. In the first 30 days, we will ask that you stay at the house every night for your own safety.

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