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Three women sit at an outdoor table with drinks, smiling and engaging in conversation. The table holds two beverages in clear glasses and one in a disposable cup with a straw.

63 Fun Sober Activities

Overcoming addiction is a challenge, perhaps the biggest one you’ll face in your lifetime. But its also a rewarding experience and a journey well-worth pursuing.

That said, it might be difficult to find alternatives to formerly fun, but toxic and harmful activities. Many individuals who have achieved sobriety find that it is hard to come up with fun sober activities that don’t involve drinking or substance abuse.

Yet this is a critical component of staying sober and avoiding potential ‘triggers’ from your former life.

The good news is that there’s actually plenty of sober activities to keep you occupied throughout the day and still have fun alone, with family, or with your mates. That is if you know where to look and have an open mind about trying new things.

Next time you have time on your hands and want to find something to do, pick one of our suggestions for fun sober activities that can be done at home or in your local area.

woman painting an art piece of the ocean

Fun Sober Activities to Do Alone

Keep entertained with the following solo activities and ideas. Need more inspiration or looking for ways to connects and share a new hobby? Social media and forums are a great place to connect with others who enjoy your favorite past times.

Keep entertained with the following solo activities and ideas. Need more inspiration or looking for ways to connects and share a new hobby? Social media and forums are a great place to connect with others who enjoy your favorite past times.


Jigsaw puzzles:

Whether it’s a 200 or 1,000 piece puzzle, enjoy the feeling of satisfaction when you place the last piece.



Tax your brain and improve your knowledge with crosswords. For an extra challenge, give cryptic crosswords a try.



Get hold of that book you’ve always meant to read or re-read a favorite from your childhood.


Write Poetry:

Get creative, put pen to paper, and give poetry a try.


Plan your next adventure:

Pick a place you want to travel to and plan your dream vacation.


Dig out an old game:

What did you love playing when you were younger? Pokemon? Mini-golf? Tetris?


Fix your favorite shirt:

Get out the sewing kit and darn that hole or sew on the buttons of your favorite piece of clothing.


Get crafting:

Knitting, embroidery, and crochet are great stress relievers and you’ll end up with a homemade product at the end.


Chart your family tree:

Speak with relatives or sign-up to to map your ancestors.


Pick up the phone:

Get in touch with your grandparent, uncle, niece or other family member you’ve not spoken to for ages and see how they’re doing.


Write a letter:

Put pen to paper and write to a friend you’ve not contacted for a while.


Make homemade candles.

woman painting the leg of a chair

Sober Activities Around the House

These last two years most of us have spent more time at home social distancing. Being at home can get BORING fast. And you know what they say about idle hands and the devil’s playground lol.

Keep engaged and entertained when at home with the following suggestions…


Organize your photos:

Get the box of photos down from the attic or out from the back of the wardrobe. Take a trip down memory lane and put your favorites into photo albums or a scrapbook.


Home repairs:

Fix that leaky tap or finish assembling that item of flatpack furniture.


Bake bread:

The smells and the taste of fresh bread can’t be beaten.


Make homemade candy:

Experiment with making truffles, fudge, toffee, or other tasty treats.



Another great stress reliever. If you don’t have a garden, begin cultivating a window herb planter and an indoor vertical garden.


Clear out your inbox:

File what you need, get rid of what you don’t, and take the opportunity to unsubscribe from all those unnecessary emails.


Sort out the wardrobe.

Have a solo fashion show. Work out what still fits and what suits your current lifestyle. Donate the rest to charity or make some extra cash by selling them online.

woman doing a seated yoga pose at the side of an infinity pool

Sober Activities Around the House

Your health and well-being can’t be understated. Consider the following for fun ways to keep busy while also improving your overall health, wellness and mood.


Make zero-waste toiletries:

Body butter and soaps are an easy place to start. Use them for a home spa day.


Give yourself a facial, manicure, or pedicure.


Have a long soak in a bubble bath.


Meditation: Get in touch with your inner self.



Running, hiking, tennis, boxing, yoga, swimming, a gym session. It doesn’t matter what it is as long as you break a sweat.


Try a sound bath

Sober Activities for Couples

Couples activities are even more enjoyable sober. Be present with your loved one and create new and memorable experiences together.


Picnic lunch in the park:

Make a picnic lunch and head to a local beauty spot for a romantic day out.


Watch the sunset:

Pack a blanket and a flask of hot chocolate. Head to the highest point in town to watch the sunset.


Date night at home:

Try out a new recipe and cook together while listening to your favorite playlist.


Massage night:

Take it in turns to give each other a massage for a truly relaxing evening.



Find a local campsite or just pitch a tent in the backyard and spend the night under the stars.

couple camping at the mountains
woman sitting on an edge of a cliff while looking at an aerial view of the city

Sober Things to Do During the Day


Photo walk:

Take photos on your walk and see your neighborhood through the lens of a camera.


Treat yourself to brunch:

Head to your favorite cafe or cook up a treat at home.


Host a coffee morning:

Enjoy a catch-up with the girls or boys.



Find a beautiful or interesting location and try your hand at watercolor or oil painting.



Get out in the fresh air for a full 18 holes or a game of pitch and putt or mini-golf.


Explore new parts of town:

Find areas of your hometown that you’ve never seen before.


Meet new people:

Make new friends, find support, and meet like-minded individuals online and in person through


Join the global treasure hunt:

Sign-up to, explore your surroundings, and locate treasure in the local area using GPS.


Head to a random location:

Randonautica asks you to step outside your comfort zone and head on an adventure to a random location and explore the world around you.


Go for a drive:

Turn up the music and head out to the countryside.


Take dance classes.


Learn to play an instrument:

There are plenty of secondhand instruments for sale online. Whether you fancy the guitar, drums, recorder, or saxophone, find a beginners book or YouTube tutorial and teach yourself to play.

woman about to release a bowling ball

Sober Things to Do at Night

Having a thriving nightlife and social calendar doesn’t have to involve substances. Consider the following to stay the life of the party…all while staying sober.


Host a sober dinner party:

Instead of alcohol, make some non-alcoholic punch to go with your meal.


Pajama party:

Midnight snacks, mocktails, and a night of fun and laughter with friends.


Host a games night:

Get the family together or invite friends for a night of competition, trivia, and fun.


Build a bonfire:

If it’s safe to do so, build a bonfire in the backyard. Invite some friends, get cosy around the fire, and toast some marshmallows.


Virtual craft night:

It doesn’t matter which craft you pick. Dial into a digital platform and spend the evening crafting with friends.


Music sharing evening:

Invite some friends and spend the night listening to and sharing your favorite music.


Host a tea party.


Go to the movies.


Karaoke night:

What better than a night with sober friends singing along to your favorite songs.


Go bowling.

Get in touch with your grandparent, uncle, niece or other family member you’ve not spoken to for ages and see how they’re doing.

woman looking and checking books in the library

Sober Activities Near Me

Beautiful young blonde girl with flowing hair and dimples against the blue sky and the sun

Tips for Staying Focused on Your Sober Recovery


Build a Support System

Make sure you’re surrounded by people who champion your sobriety and are ready to lend a hand when you need it. Your squad might include friends, family, a therapist, or a support group.


Embrace a self-care lifestyle

Treat yourself with love by nourishing your body, mind, and soul. Exercise, eat well, meditate, or chat with a therapist to keep yourself feeling your best.


Keep Yourself Busy, Dive into your passions

Immerse yourself in activities that bring joy and keep your thoughts away from alcohol or drugs. Hobbies, volunteering, or work can be perfect for this.


Own your journey

Use a journal or therapy sessions to reflect on your triggers and celebrate your progress.


Master the art of managing stress

Pinpoint what stresses you out and develop healthy techniques to conquer it.


Sidestep danger zones

Be aware of who and what might trigger a relapse, and make a conscious effort to avoid those situations.


Become a pro at saying “no”

Stand up for your sobriety by learning to assert yourself and set boundaries. Know when to say “no” when your sobriety is at stake.


Reach out to the pros

If addiction is getting the best of you, don’t hesitate to seek expert help like counseling or rehab.


Practice self-kindness

Remember, recovery is a marathon, not a sprint. Be patient with yourself and don’t lose heart if you stumble.


Stay focused on your “why”

Hold onto the reasons that inspired you to get sober, and use them as a guiding light when temptation comes knocking.

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Getting And Staying Sober Doesn’t Mean The Party Has To End!!!

Life without alcohol or other substances can be as fun as you want to make it. Whether you host your own sober dinner party, pick up that book you loved as a kid, volunteer in your local community, or explore your hometown, fun sober activities are all around you.